Saturday, December 29, 2012

The World Most Weird Killer Heels


Kobi Levi is in the lobby of Guangzhou Garden Hotel discussing fashion.
“Sure, they are completely wearable,” says the 36-year-old Israeli shoe designer, talking about his “creatures” -- a collection of shoes with killer heels

One day I saw an e-mail from Lady Gaga's staff looking for original input for the new video, I couldn't believe it. I mean, Lady Gaga is the most famous pop star in the world.
— Kobi Levi, 36, Israeli shoe designer
Levi, who lives in Tel Aviv, creates crazy, ironic and unbelievable shoes in collaboration with “Shoofra,” a shoe retail chain in Israel.
He travels to China often to get inspiration. He says he's fascinated by the massive development of the country.
“It's the right place to collect ideas for the new collections,” says Levi, who has spent time in Shanghai and other parts of the country. “Guangzhou is an interesting melting pot in which you have the opportunity to observe trends from a privileged position.”
Now in Guangzhou, he wants to carry his China-inspired designs into the Pearl River Delta.
“I find the East really stimulating,” says Levi.  
The quirky shoemaker is inspired by Chinese food, even Chinese utensils. One of his shoe designs is named "Contemporary Chinese."

"I chose very iconic, traditional Chinese images: fire dragon and chopsticks, and combined (them) to create a very Western and modern shoe silhouette," says Levi, referring to a pair that features a fire dragon and chopstick-like stiletto heels.

Israeli designer Kobi Levi leased a collection of "contemporary China" with chopstick-like heals.

Lady Gaga's double boots
Kobi Levi shot to international fame after designing a pair of pink double boots for Lady Gaga. The singer wore the boots in her “Born This Way” video.
"One day I saw an e-mail from Lady Gaga's staff looking for original input for the new video," recalls Levi. "I couldn't believe it. I mean, Lady Gaga is the most famous pop star in the world."  
The double boots Levi sent to Lady Gaga featured two toes pointing in opposite directions.

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