Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 5 Most Promising Degree Programs in Africa

The 21st Century has been hailed by global commentators, statesman and investors as the century that
belongs to the African continent’s development. Africa will develop accordingly if the right people are in the right places. To help enforce this development we have identified the top 5 most promising degree programs in Africa. I Increased demand will be for individuals with training and qualifications in these areas. Here are the top 5 degrees with the most promise in Africa:

1. Information and Communication Technology:
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have the potential to transform business and government in Africa, driving entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. There is increased belief in the transformational power of ICTs and the view that Africa is poised for a new era of growth that would take advantage of the platform laid by investment in new networks over the previous decade. According to the World Bank, a 10% increase in the penetration rate of mobile phones has been associated with a 0.8% boost in GDP per capita in developing countries, while the same increase in broadband networks could add a further 1.4% to general economic growth.
2. Agriculture:
Agriculture employs 65% of Africa’s labour force and accounts for 32% of Gross Domestic Product. It is essential for Africa’s growth and for achieving the Millennium Development Goal of reducing poverty by half by 2015. Agricultural performance has improved since 2000. Growth has been mostly based on area expansion. Agriculture in Africa has also enjoyed major funding and investments from external bodies, like the World Bank. The World Banks lending for sub-Saharan African agriculture has grown to over US$800 million in Fiscal Year 2009 from an earlier average of US$300 million between 2001 and 2005, it increased to US $1 billion in Fiscal Year 2010.
The World Bank is the single largest donor for improving Sub-Saharan Africa’s agricultural  sector, assistance that is key to reducing hunger, poverty, and environmental degradation.
3. Engineering:
Engineering holds a strong position in the future economic, social and sustainable development of Africa – in fact, engineering and construction are critical to the success of the continent. Manufacturing is a major contributor to national GDP and the primary sectors include agri-processing, the automotive industry, chemicals, ICT and electronics, metals and textiles.
The continent will increasingly demand for skilled graduates in engineering, in order to meet the infrastructural needs of the continent. The economy is booming, and the demand from industry for skilled professionals will naturally increase.
4. Medical Sciences: 
With increasing population in Africa will come increased health care issues, this will inspire increased demand for medical services and health practitioners across the continent. There has been particular attention paid to Africa’s health sector, especially for women and children. It is undoubtedly and will continually be a critical part of Africa’s development process.
5. Banking & Finance/Economics:
Africa’s economic pulse has quickened, infusing the continent with a new commercial vibrancy. While Africa’s collective long-term prospects are strong, Economists have traditionally much relevance, and will have even much more relevance in the coming years. Their primary role will be to diversify the economy and manage finance investments in Africa.

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